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"And if this was to persist, it could severely handicap our ability to enter into those free trade agreements, so I think we do need to see that particular provision refined." The EU's chief negotiator, Michel Barnier, was somewhat ambiguous in his comment. "It's a unique situation, therefore specific solutions are needed," he said. "That's a very clear line. And the UK's line is very clear too. We shall work on solutions which will be relevant only to the island of Ireland and not other parts (of the United Kingdom)." But if the fallback "no deal" position is UK-wide alignment, then doesn't it mean that the preferred option of a deep and special partnership would be something close to the Swiss or Norway option? That sort of deal is not currently compatible with the UK's red lines. Image caption The EU's chief Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier says that the present UK position would mean a trade deal would have to be along the lines as the one the EU has with Canada. There is going to be a lot of hard negotiating to come and compromises to be made. best online shopping websites There is another interpretation of the deal that it still leaves the door open for a special status for Northern Ireland. TUV leader Jim Allister notes that the pledge of "unfettered access" for NI business to the whole of the UK internal market is not reciprocated with a promise of equal, unfettered access from GB to NI.

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